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Bummin' Out...

"Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A few days ago i came across a t shirt company called 5Preview. From Tshirts to V Necks To Hoodies, these guys will amaze you. I was really surprised at how new and exciting these t shirt design were. I've never seen anyone in the OC and/or LA area wear any of these designs. I've never been to the Lower East Side but in sure none of ya'll have seen people with any of these t shirts. i suggest you guys buy your own before a celebrity gets their hands on one and turns this company super mainstream.
You wouldnt want to wear something everyone else is wearing......RIGHT?"

I totally agree, so: WE WANT SHOPS IN THE U.S!!!!!

We got some clients from U.S...but there is a big market over there...if you have a shop and want to sell our stuff before everyone else please send us an e-mail!