
Hi there!
Some new pics with the Preview by 5preview T-shirt! it will SOON be back in the onlineshop (that at the moment is a little bit empty).
News? Soon there will be some articles out: italian VOGUE and british the OBSERVER. Serius stuff! We also have some US shops coming up: one in southern California, one in Florida and 2 in SOHO, NYC.
All shops interested in carrying 5preview: just write me an e-mail for more info.
And you'll probably see 5preview in the upcoming video of he musical genius Jaimz Deen!
And last but no least: I'm writing another blog too, that is NOT about T-shirts but about my life in NYC. If you're interested you find it here. Unfortunately it's in swedish so most of you wont understand anything, but there is a lot of pictures!