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5PREVIEW proudly presents: Collaboration against human trafficking 5PREVIEW + UNWOMEN SWEDEN.

Together with UN Women Sweden, 5preview has chosen to support the fight against human trafficking.

We made two T-shirts one BLACK and one WHITE. 

The black one to show that you're HUMAN. That you take a stand against the terrible UNHUMAN ways traffickers and pimps treats other human beings. To show that you don't support this. 

The white T-shirt is inspired by revolutionary posters from Paris 1968... We don't request a revolution but as long as it's going to be a demand for prostitution bad people will profit on it. The only ones that can do something is you and me. By respecting that FREEDOM IS A RIGHT, and no one should be sold and used just to satisfy someone else needs.

The proceeds of this product will go in full towards UN Women Sweden's current work in this area.

This T-shirt is made of 100 % organic cotton.

For more info about the work of UNWOMEN check out their webpage: