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YEAR 02 | Francesco Ercolini

The editorial by Francesco Ercolini was originally published in 5 PIECE PAPER nº 2. 

We wanted to have a small chat with Francesco as he had a very interesting life. He followed his passion, from being a fashion photographer to start a dog farm in Emilia-Romagna in Italy. 

What are three things you want people to know about you?

I love the smell of wood, I sleep with my dogs and I've always been an anarchist.

What’s your dream project to work on?

Photograph wild animals at night in the woods.

Where do you look for inspiration?

I'm not looking for inspiration. I don't believe in inspiration.

When are you the most creative?

When I sleep... or walk in the mountains.

Do you live by a motto? If so, what is it?

I've never had a motto. but many years ago I read a sentence that I never forgot:

Photo: Francesco Ercolini
Model: Ingrid 
Location: Solaro, Italy
Special thanks to Emanuela and Stefano

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