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We wanted to get to know the Fashion Stylist and Buyer from Israel, Einat Rozen, a little more so we asked her some questions about where she finds inspiration and she told us her dream project to work on, scroll down and enjoy. 

What are three things you want people to know about you?

My name is Einat, and people call me sunshine, I let my dog kiss me on the mouth and I absolutely made a job out of my hobby and became a fashion stylist and buyer.

If you could buy anything in the world right now, what would it be?

A huge farm so I could rescue as many dogs and cats as possible.

If you were a painting, what would it look like?

I would probably be very colourful and a bit weird.

What’s your dream project to work on?

I would love to style characters in Fashion movies in Hollywood, like Devils wears Prada.

Where do you look for inspiration?

Everywhere! In music, people, nature, animals, special food, different coulters and in sunsets

When are you the most creative?

When I travel, and when creative people are around me.

What’s in your bag?

Chocolate. Always.

Do you live by a motto? If so, what is it?

In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. (the Beatles)

Who is your role model?

John Lennon. 


Go follow Einat on instagram here

Einat is wearing the DASCHA Metallic Pleated Trousers, shop here.