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With Chariza and Casey

"There are uncountable moments where Casey and I matched outfits unknowingly. It's a common affair most 'best pals' share, right? The number of times we've been mistaken as sisters (and twins surprisingly) happened way too many times too. It's still an ongoing blooper! To cause more confusion, I asked Casey to join me and intentionally coordinate with me - styling the Marine dress from 5PW, the perfect twinning dress." Check out the full blog post on Chariza's blog - read here.

Chariza is one of our friends and we been working with her for several seasons now, with her personal style and fun details, it's always fun to see her dressed up in her favourite 5preview pieces. 

We wanted our readers to get to know her a little bit more so we asked Chariza some questions, scroll down and enjoy. 

What are three things you want people to know about you?
Chariza is my name. I have a love and hate relationship with summer. Napping is a good time! 

If you could buy anything in the world right now, what would it be?
It would be nice to get a large... or tiny studio space and a house please!!!

If you were a painting, what would it look like?
A minimalist 3D installation that shows different images in different perspectives. If you can picture that... That’s me! 

What’s your dream project to work on?
I’m currently working on one of my dream projects. I’ve always wanted to do something that’s inspiring, something that connects people. Dump collective is where I have put my heart for the past month. The dump girls and I are hoping to do more with that. I’ve put blogging on hold but I do want to create more contents intertwining fashion and art for 

Where do you look for inspiration?
I bet the answer “everywhere” is completely redundant now but seriously I can seek inspiration anywhere - art and fashion exhibitions, a lot from great magazines, social media, music and film. Ah and Pinterest (my new tumblr)! 

When are you the most creative?
When I’m around other creatives and when I’m working on something outside my comfort zone. Also, strangely, I find good conversations (the weirder the better, especially with my friends) very inspiring. Haha 

What’s in your bag?
My phone (of course), phone charger (can’t forget that), pens, a mini journal, makeup to touch up, sanitiser and dump stickers.

Do you live by a motto? If so, what is it?

Who is your role model?
I don’t have a particular role model. There’s a lot of people inside and outside my life that inspire me in different ways.


Go follow Chariza on instagram here. And read her blog here.

Chariza and Casey are wearing the MARINE Shirt Dress in Linen (shop here).